Donor Policy

Karunamai Foundation honors the trust of our donors, who have provided us with personal information. Personal information includes the donor’s name, PAN, contact information, and donation history.
Karunamai Foundation has certainly not and will never sell, trade or exchange a donor’s personal information or donor’s information with anyone else.   When a donor makes a designated gift, Karunamai Foundation may share that donor’s information with the community partner– unless the donor instructs us not to disclose their information. The information a donor provides to Karunamai Foundation is used to process donations, issue tax receipts and send thank-you letters, and send email updates on Karunamai Foundation’s activities. Donors may opt out of these email updates by clicking the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of each email or by contacting us directly.

All Karunamai Foundation or management, employees, consultants and volunteers are bound by this policy. Karunamai Foundation reserves the right to modify this policy.

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